
Church History

Delaware Missionary Baptist Church was organized on October 2, 1927.  The congregation did not have a building to met in, therefore for 22 years they met in the Rock School facility.  When the church was organized, it had 14 carter members.  The church was named after the nearby Delaware Creek that runs under Highway 97.

The church has had 19 pastors since it's beginning in 1927.  In addition to these 19 men, the church has had 2 half time Pastors and one assistant Pastor.  The late C.L. Browning was the first Pastor.  He was elected to his office on October 2, 1927 and served for 9 years.  Pastor Mark Miller was called to the church in June of 2018 and he and his amazing family are a blessing to us all!  

The present site for the church was donated by Frank and Mae Pearson.  The auditorium was built by the membership in 1949.  The Sunday school classrooms and breezeway were added in 1956-1957.  The parsonage was built sometime in March of 1966, however it had to be removed due to damage years later.

The new auditorium construction began on June 10, 1981 and dedication services were held on February 2, 1986.  There has been many changes in the look of the building.  The auditorium houses a baptistry and stained glass windows depicting the 7 days of creation.  The fellowship hall was remodeled, a handicapped entrance was built, and the rock work was completed in 1997.